Art reborn - Layers Theme

by Flowrome


not available

PLEASE READ FIRST!!!This theme will work only on Marshmallow stock rom for Nexus devices or AOSP roms which support layers. It wont work on ROMs with CMTE.Your device must be rooted and have the new Layers Manager app.
If you dont know what are layers and how to install a layers theme, you should read this:
Dont report bugs if you use some of xposed modules or change default DPI.
Before install, uninstall all layers, then full reboot. Install Art, profit!
Whats themed:
SYSTEM:- Settings- Status bar- Navigation bar- Notification drawer
APPS:- AOSP & Google Calculator- AOSP & Google Contacts- AOSP & Google Dialer- AOSP & Google Keyboard- AOSP & Google Messenger- cLock- Gmail- Google Keep- Google Plus- Hangouts- Layers Manager- Play Music- Play Store- SuperSU- WhatsApp- YouTube